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Sealed until the end

Prophetical knowledge is increasing

Daniel chapter 12 tells us that at the end of the world as we know it there will be some very astonishing things happening.  Daniel desires to understand the words and the meaning of the prophecies but the angel tells Daniel to go his way because the words are sealed up till the time of the end.  Many will be purified but the wicked will continue to be wicked.  None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.  Basically, these things are very hard to understand even though Daniel who was very wise indeed desired to know what it all meant some 2600 years ago or so.  Knowledge will increase as we get to the end and understanding of the prophecies will increase too.  The words of many prophecies and understanding of end-time events described in the Bible I believe are being unraveled and unsealed as we speak.  

Archaeology reveals oldest map

We truly are at the end and bit by bit archaeology is revealing long-hidden secrets.  In the Holy Land, more and more discoveries are being made and the sands of time are being blown away on important historical artifacts and sites.  When in Jordan in 2017 I saw the oldest map of the Holy Lands at Madaba at St Georges church.  The map is a 6th century mosaic made up of some 2 million tiles measuring 8.4 metres by 5.4 metres.  It is historically important and was only recently discovered in 1894.  The Dead Sea Scrolls, only discovered in 1946 by a shepherd boy at Qumran by the Dead Sea prove to us the authenticity of the Old Testament Scriptures and are 1000 years older than the previous oldest translations.  Petra in Jordan, the miracle in the desert which I believe is Kadesh-Barnea of old,1 was unknown to the western world until 1812.  Evidence is mounting that the forgotten Jewish temples of Solomon, Zerubbabel, and Herod were not located on the so-called temple mount where the Dome of the Rock is but in the old city of David.

The jigsaw puzzle is coming together

What is happening?  What is God trying to tell us and show us?  I believe He is revealing more and more evidence.  The truth is being revealed and we are gaining a clearer picture even though like the Madaba Map of 542 AD much of the picture is still missing.  We have enough to go on and little pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are coming together.  The scroll is gradually being unsealed and unwound because we are in the time of the end.2  We need to have eyes to see and ears to listen to see what the Spirit is saying to the churches.3  We also need to be wise because Daniel says that the wise will understand.

  1. []
  2. Dan. 12:9 []
  3. Rev 3:22 []

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