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Moses relied on his past experience – warning!

Mt. Nebo–Moses’ last stop

Pictured here is the view from Mt Nebo — Moses’ last stop where he viewed the promised land of Israel.  It was the first stop in our “Spy Out The Land Tour” in 2017 with a team from Australia.  You can make out Jericho and the Dead Sea in the distance.  God graciously allowed Moses to see the promised land from as far north as Dan to Jericho and the Mediterranean Sea in the West, Jericho, and Zoar1 in the south towards the Negev desert land.  It must have been a special kind of sight because today when you visit all you can see is Jericho and the Dead Sea in a very hazy environment.  Nonetheless, it is a very good view.  This allowance was a small mercy from God after Moses had broken faith with God and had not spoken to the rock as instructed.2  Moses did not obey at the waters of Meribah Kadesh instead relying on past experiences when previously he had struck the rock to obtain water at Horeb or Mt. Sinai a few years earlier. 

Following God’s exact instructions

The application for us as Christians is that we must be very careful to follow God’s exact instructions especially when it comes to our salvation. Cain gave an offering of his crops instead of an animal sacrifice as God had instructed, Noah had to be very careful to build the ark exactly as God instructed in order to be saved.  Also, we cannot come to God any way we please.  We must be born again it says in John 3.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  Disobedience in the fine details means we are not believing.  It means that we have broken faith with God.  It is not disobedience that breaks our connection but the breaking of faith with God that leads to disobedience.  This is a very important point and a detail not to be overlooked.  Many people think that we are rejected because of disobedience and to a certain extent that is true.  But where does disobedience start?  It starts in the heart and it comes about because of a lack of faith.  And that was exactly the situation with Moses and why he was not allowed to enter the Promised Land.  However, God graciously allowed Moses to view the land from Mt. Nebo.  He could get a glimpse of salvation if you like from a vantage point but he could not enter in.  That begs the question, was Moses saved?  Yes of course!  He is listed in the Hebrews chapter 11 hall of faith and his life was marked by faith.  He had a slip-up but I believe God wants to show us how important it is to continue in a walk of faith.  We can all slip up very easily by going back and relying on past experiences.  Sometimes God asks us to strike the rock and sometimes we have to speak to the rock. 

The ages will culminate after 6000 years

What is the lesson here and how does it apply as we approach the end of the age?  Never before has it been so crucial to listen to God’s voice in knowing how to avoid the coming danger.  Today, people including Christians are so glib and cavalier with their approach to the end times and how to avoid the tribulation period.  Many put their faith and hope in a false doctrine called the pre-trib rapture theory which itself is only a couple of hundred years old.  Or worse still, they believe in the pan-tribulation theory which is no theory at all but a belief that it will all “pan out in the end.”  In my view that is a cop-out.  The early church for hundreds of years held to chiliasm.3  That is, many believed, including the early Christian theologian Hippolytus of Rome,4  that the ages will play out over 6000 years since creation culminating in a final 1000 years of peace and a so-called golden age which will occur before final judgment.  This follows the pattern of the initial creation week with the mathematical key being one day = 1000 years.  The last 1000 years will be a type of Sabbath rest day so to speak.

Wait for the instructions from the Two Witnesses

Church, we need to listen to what God is saying in the Scriptures and understand His voice.  The walk of faith says that we must continually rely on God moment by moment and listen to Him as we walk with Him.  The details are important.

And in the final seven years, the details will be very important.  I believe the Scriptures tell us that we will get some final instructions on how to avoid the final 3 ½ years of trouble if we are willing to listen and make a journey.  Who will give us these final instructions?  My best guess and the most likely candidate is the final prophet Elijah or Elijah type prophet with his companion.  These are the Two Witnesses.

Keep watching, keep listening, and keep praying.  And above all don’t make the mistake that Moses made and rely on past experiences.

Listen to the ‘Spy Out the Land’ series of sermons here.

  1. This is where Lot and his daughters escaped after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah []
  2. Deut. 32:48-52 []
  3. []
  4. []

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